3D Red Eye Witch w/Broom Charm or Pendant

“Witches don’t like to be seen running. It looks unprofessional.” Terry Pratchett. This little witch rides an actual bristle broom. So she’s an extremely rare witch. Plus, you know, she’s solid gold. Which means she’s a GOOD Witch. A Good Witch is a good thing to have on your side, and your charm bracelet! Check […]

Wall Street Ticker Tape Machine Charm

Tick, tick, tick… Once upon a time, fortunes rose and fell to the tune of the ticket tape machine. Now long obsolete (since the 1960’s, when television and computers took over transmitting financial information), they harken back to a different way of life. This one is almost steampunk in its execution – glass dome, pure […]

Victorian Nautical Thor With Hammer Silver Compass Fob

It’s good to know where you’re going and with whom, if you possibly can. So often we don’t. Look closely. Is that Thor? This very old charm, whose history and meaning are lost in time, looks to be Thor. If so, you’re in good company. He’s holding Mjölnir above his head, and riding a working, […]

Lucky Acorn Charm by Tiffany

The mighty Oak (Quercus species) was a symbol of life, fertility, and immortality in many ancient cultures. The god Thor’s Life Tree was an Oak. Both the ancient Greeks and Romans revered Oak trees. Galen, a famous Roman doctor, first used Oak leaves to heal wounds. The Druids considered it to have both medicinal and […]

Southwestern Estate 3D Charm

Someday’s a girl gets very VERY lucky… When you do searches you never know what you’ll find, but if you know the shapes of things you want it really helps. I couldn’t believe it when I saw this – note that there was no title. I held my breath till it arrived safely. Now my […]