page 6 American Charm Corp. catalog

fourth page gold mechanical charms

This is the School Days page – If I remember correctly Lampl designed the chalkboard one.

A few extra pages for fun

I thought I’d add the first three pages of charms the first day so you could have some fun to make up for my being gone so long:

The 2010 International Charm Convention has drawn to a close

I already miss everyone but am so looking forward to the 2011 3rd annual Charm Convention in Nashville. Brushing up on my line dancing as we speak. It was a joy to see old friends from the first convention in Cincinnati, and to meet old charming friends for the first time here in California. We […]

the pcc flea market

Oh the joys of a good flea market on a lucky day! With my arthritis problems I haven’t been to my favorite flea markets in ages – it used to be a ritual every Sunday, and we have some of the best here is southern California. First Sunday – Pasadena City College, second Sunday – […]