I first started buying from this seller about 2 years ago. They are clearing out the family jewelry store in Raleigh North Carolina and since my husband grew up there we got to talking and I was looking for his class charm of course. Some of my favorite charms are from them- my kangaroo with […]
Travel and Nostalgia Charms
One of the main reasons I collect charms is to bring back happy – or even unhappy -important moments in my life. Travel Charms have been doing that for tourists, pleasure-seekers, and those of us who don’t want to be classified, yet still thrive on new experiences, ever since the first ‘souvenir’ was invented. here’s […]
Wanted: What are you looking for?
If you have a Holy Grail of Charms- whatever it may be, list it here so other members can let you know if they have it to sell.
Post Charms for Sale
If you have any charms you want to sell put the pictures and the prices here for other members to see. There are no fees (hey, would I charge you?) and they can pay you directly through paypal or however you like. Keep an eye on this so when something you’re looking for comes up […]
Lampl Lampl everywhere
Now that I’ve read that article about Walter Lampl I seem to see his items whenever I look on eBay. Here is a nice bracelet click and here are two of the Flower of the Month Charms CLICK HERE and HERE, This is a lock heart CLICK! and this is one with the old mark- […]