The Touch Wood Wud version of Fums Up

With the great popularity of the Fums Ups other variations emerged as the War went on – and continued through WWII as well. This round version didn’t move, the hands are attached in the up position, and this is the version that was further personalised in the different army hats, and even a female variant. […]

A VERY Unusual Touch Wood

Check this one out on eBay – it seems to be handmade. click here for the AUCTION

Fums Ups 2

Took me awhile but I have some interesting pictures of various ‘Fums Up’ Touch Wood’ Touch Wud’ etc. I have a friend (who shall remain nameless at his/her request) who has an extensive collection and has agreed to share some pictures. I think the progression of these is particularly interesting, from the 1914-16 reg. marks […]

The Lucky Fums Up

There are so many things to be said about the charms we consider ‘lucky’ some came about by chance, some by deliberate profit schemes , but ever since we dragged ourselves from the oceans and gained grasping fingers, we have held onto those small items we feel bring us good fortune. In the early part […]

Every once in a while a dream charm shows up

This is one of those dreamy charms, gold, jeweled, mechanical, with a hint of a gamble, taking a chance on love. The childhood game “He loves me, he loves me not” is given new depth by spinning the daisy so the ruby touches the answer. Will it be the one you want? Even today’s teenagers […]