What a wonderful theme bracelet!

This seller has so much imagination, and while not all the charms are strictly vintage the exceptions are so cute (rice a roni- how cool is that!) I can’t imagine anyone complaining- this is a great example of a theme bracelet, I only wish I’d thought of it first- but I couldn’t have done it […]

Puffy Heart Bracelets of Note

These two bracelets are knock outs- even the links are incredible- most of these I’m told were bought from gelatogrrl, and every one is fantastic. If I thought I could choose as well as this I’d do hearts, but I just don’t have the experience to be sure I’d pick vintage charm puffy hearts rather […]

Theme Bracelets

If you want to specialize your collecting for a charm bracelet you can do all pearl charms, all gemstone charms, all vintage charms or limit it to art deco charms, WWI charms, WWII charms, 1940’s charms, 1950’s charms, 1960’s charms- all had a different tone and feeling. I love to customise charm bracelets for friends […]