Vintage Charm Catalog 1970’s Marchal

This is a nice way to do the pages, one of the reasons Marchal is such in easy catalog to look at. Here are 2 pages – Holidays and Travel.

Holiday vintage charms – and vintage bracelets

I love the mistletoe, still a popular charm, and it’s great to see the styles of bracelet that were popular for the Holidays in the early 1970’s.

Now here’s a Worry Bird I wish I’d found

Here are some of the larger 1970’s charms – check out the Worry Bird!

Vintage Charm Catalog – Charms with a Message

It seems to me vintage charms talk to me all the time – mostly they say ‘buy me!’ You can tell this catalog is from the 70’s – we were all into the French Chef, and ‘toujour l’amour’. Remember you can click on the thumbnail picture to make it bigger – and click on the […]

Another day another Vintage Charm Catalog page

This one is for Valentine’s Day – I’ll take the wind up ones please.