Tiffany Charm Bracelets Vintage Tiffany and their Just Released Charm Collection !

For my 50th birthday my friends got together and bought me one of the new Tiffany Charm Collection bracelets with an engraved tag and my husband got the present lock. If you haven’t gone to and seen the new collection you might give yourself a treat and go eWindow shop there. Big bold and […]

3rd Vintage Horse Charm – Topper and Hoppy?

Katie swears all her Hollywood contacts tell her this one is Topper and Hoppy – looks like the Wyoming one except isn’t mechanical and has a G copyrite mark on the base.

The catalog page for vintage charm jewelry piano

I went back to show you the musical charm page but it had a glitch so here is a new photo of the charm in the 1953 Treasure House of Charms Catalog. It’s my favorite vintage charm catalog and since y’all are so nice I plan to scan and post every page -140 of them […]

Musical Charm Piano

There was one of these in the charm scans last week and this one is up on eBay right now and (amazingly) it WORKS! These large and fun charms from the 50’s and 60’s were worn rarely because they were so large but played with often by small children and grandchildren of the owners – […]

Roy Rogers vs the Wyoming Charm

Here are 2 horse and rider charms I bought – I always assumed that the mechanical rearing horse charms were Roy Rogers, now it seems there are 2 styles – the older of which I have also found with a Wyoming Souvenir tag. The older looking one on the left is the one we’ve seen […]