There are so many things to be said about the charms we consider ‘lucky’ some came about by chance, some by deliberate profit schemes , but ever since we dragged ourselves from the oceans and gained grasping fingers, we have held onto those small items we feel bring us good fortune. In the early part […]
Every once in a while a dream charm shows up
This is one of those dreamy charms, gold, jeweled, mechanical, with a hint of a gamble, taking a chance on love. The childhood game “He loves me, he loves me not” is given new depth by spinning the daisy so the ruby touches the answer. Will it be the one you want? Even today’s teenagers […]
Interesting Mechanical Vintage Charm – Adults only
CLICK HERE FOR A NAUGHTY BUGLER BOY OK even the kids won’t be able to tell, so I don’t mind having this on the page, but what a cute little risque charm! Hey! behave now, that’s his bugle! Click on the picture to see the charm.
The Top Hat Charm Catalog Intro
For some reason it looks like this is not the full document i have – can someone tell me if it opens or if I need to redo please? I’ve done it 3 times and it keeps showing this so maybe it’s ok, but doesn’t look right to me. It works perfectly in Internet Explorer […]
Wells Company Top Hat Charm Catalog 1953 Intro
Here are the first 2 pages of the Index. Now of course my scanner says it isn’t a scanner so I have to figure it out before I can add the next Index pages and the charm scans. Sigh, if it isn’t one thing it’s your Mother. -wink.