3D Vintage Movable Movie Projector on Stand Charm Pendant

Aaand… Action!

Many years ago, in an unexpected but amazing episode, a little man inside my head stood behind his camera filming my life. I watched him watching me. There were lots of changing colors and trails and time floated free of its mooring… but I digress.

Here to stand witness to your own movie-making is a perfectly formed, solid gold movie projector, complete with turn-able handle (back in the day, this was how one played movies and heaven forbid you got distracted and moved too fast or slow. If you don’t know about this period in movie-making, run don’t walk to watch Cinema Paradiso. It will break your heart and flood you with nostalgia for a time not-that-long-gone.)

After all, isn’t life just a series of digressions?

Click here to see more pictures of this solid gold movable movie projector charm.

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