Almond Nut Locket Victorian Love Charm

Almond Nut Locket Victorian Love Charm with two nut halves insideThis is one of my favorite charms and rarely found with both of the almond halves intact and included inside.

It’s a Victorian love charm with double meanings; it can signify the equivalent of ‘2 peas in a pod’ two souls together and the sweetness of almonds or it can have a must more risque meaning for those followers of the Kama Sutra.

Notice the almond meat has been gilded, representing the golden almond. Google it ladies, I’m betting the gentlemen already know where it is… Sometimes my friends are surprised to find this on my x-rated Victorian bracelet, which gives me a secret smile.

This one looks in good condition but the pictures are not the best, and it might benefit from a bit of a buff.

Check out the other pictures here and let me know what your thoughts.

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