Here we go…

front cover of american charm catalog 1950s

front cover of american charm catalog 1950s

american  charm front inside cover

american charm front inside cover 1950s

american  charm index

american charm catalog front index

It’s been awhile since I posted so I thought I’d start by giving you a look at some of the charm catalogs I’ve collected while away. This is a 1950’s sales piece by the American Charm Company AC from the 1950’s. It features all 14K charms, and is a wonderful source of information to research any charms you have and want to know the age and/ or company. Also it’s a joy to peruse just to see the eye candy – I’ll post a new page a day, just click on the thumbnails to get the full size pictures. At the end of this there will be an index and the prices these charms sold for then is at the bottom of each page.

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