Whatever you call him – he’s luscious

The seller calls this charm a magician, I’ve seen it listed as a corpse in a casket, and I think it’s a groom in a hope chest. But tell me what you think? what every girl really needs in her hope chest charm- the GROOM!

open the top and up he pops,

open the top and up he pops,


  1. I think you are right. If he were a magician, he should have a top hat. I think he would lay on his back if he were a corpse, not his side.

    • i agree – and the hand at his waist is very groom-like. i once saw one of these that had been modified to have a male (ahem) member pop up from it – now a dream charm for my x rated bracelet – there’s a ‘hope’ chest! twinkly grin

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