3rd Vintage Horse Charm – Topper and Hoppy?

Katie swears all her Hollywood contacts tell her this one is Topper and Hoppy – looks like the Wyoming one except isn’t mechanical and has a G copyrite mark on the base. rscn0384.JPG


  1. thatspecialcharm says

    Hi! I think Wyoming is a big Gene Autry clue — so maybe one of our charms might be Gene Autry and his horse Champion. There’s a famous photo of Autry on the reared horse, with his hand to his hat, too! FUN! Just in case, mine is mechanical — the horse is hinged and rears up a little higher (almost straightens out). What I love is that the charm stands on its own! Thanks again!!

  2. thatspecialcharm says

    As I compare google results between the 3 Horse/Rider Duos, it has become clear to me that the charm represents Gene Autry and Champion the Wonder Horse! I’ll ask my friends who believe it’s Hopalong Cassidy and Trigger to have a look at the Gene Autry / Champion images … 🙂

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