There are so many things to be said about the charms we consider ‘lucky’ some came about by chance, some by deliberate profit schemes , but ever since we dragged ourselves from the oceans and gained grasping fingers, we have held onto those small items we feel bring us good fortune.
In the early part of the 20th century the Brits came up with a brilliant variation of the ‘touch wood for luck’ and in 1914 it was registered and marketed for sale to sweethearts as a protection gift. Perfectly timed for the first World War, thousands were sent with soldiers to the fields; I have to wonder how many were buried there, for many came back and survived on charm bracelets and in drawers. Perhaps they did their job and protected the loved ones, for I’ve never heard of one being in the personal items returned to a family, nor any sad story about one.
Fums Ups are one of the ‘must have’ charms, and a rare one can command a high price – my best one was a birthday present, still in the box, on the card and with my birthstone eyes. They come in many varieties some with no thumbs at all, some in army, navy – even female form. The roughest are wooden beads on metal forms, the finest made of gold and diamonds. One of those is listed right now if you want to see an example click here.
The different styles and types of these wonderful little ‘dolls’ is nearly endless, so until I get the scanner working and more catalog pages up – it’ll be a continuing theme. more tomorrow.