You’re actually reading this!
That’s a good thing because this page contains important stuff like the rules for using this website. We wish we didn’t have to have rules but our lawyers made us include them. They wanted this to be a lot more formal, but that’s not how we work. We took the legal jargon they wrote and translated it into English for you. Do the right thing… read the page, obey the rules, and you won’t be getting into legal problems of your own.
Here are the basics:
Be nice.
We created and operate this website so that people like you (and us) can use it for their own personal entertainment, education, information, and/or communication. You are free to browse around as much as you like. You can even download stuff wherever we offer a “download” link but only for your own personal use and definitely not for any commercial purpose. If you do download something, please don’t fool around with the copyright or any other notices on the stuff – we have it there for a reason. If you thought about distributing, modifying, reusing, re-posting, transmitting or anything else that’s not nice with any of our stuff including the text, images, audios, and/or videos (for public or commercial purposes) – don’t do that either. What we’re saying is, do not use anything on this website without our written permission.
If you decide to visit our website, you are legally bound by the terms and conditions listed below and any other laws or regulations that apply to you visiting this website or using the Internet, including any local, state or federal regulations which may apply. By visiting this website you are agreeing to our rules and if you don’t want to follow them, you should go somewhere else and not use this website.
These are the rules for using this website:
1. Just assume everything on this website is copyrighted unless we tell you it’s not. That means you can’t use any of the stuff on the website (except for where we say you can) without our written permission. You probably shouldn’t even ask us if you can use something because our lawyers will probably say “no” to your request.
2. All of the content of this website (including the images, text, audios, videos, software, website code, or anything else) is either our property or someone else’s and we’re using it with their permission. Just because we’re using it doesn’t make it your property and you (or your friends) are not allowed to use it unless we say you can in writing. Be smart and play nice – unauthorized use may violate local, state, and/or federal laws and we don’t want you to get into any trouble.
3. All of the logos, trademarks, and/or service marks on this website are also our property or someone else’s and we’re using them with their permission. And just because we’re using them doesn’t give you any kind of license or right to use them too. You don’t have a right to use them and we’re not about to give you one either (and neither will the companies that own the other logos, trademarks, and/or service marks). Again, be smart and play nice – leave them alone or we’ll get mad at you. That means we will have our lawyers take legal action or have them request prosecutor’s to take legal action against you. Does that sound serious? You bet – it’s our stuff and we will come after you for messing around any of our property or any of the property of others.
4. We try to be as accurate as possible when adding content to the website – but we’re not perfect. That means that as much as we would like to be accurate all of the time – we may not be. Just so you totally understand, we’re not going to make any promises to you regarding this website and if you’re using this website, you’re doing so at your own risk. We also assume no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions on this website.
5. Anybody who has helped create, produce, code, or worked on this website in any way (including us or our parent company) are not liable for any damages you may suffer as a result from your using the website or accessing any of the features (services, software, downloads, 3rd party offers, or whatever else we have) available on the website. Our lawyers want you to know that our disclaimer includes “direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages arising out of your access to, or use of, the site. Without limiting the foregoing, everything on the site is provided to you ‘AS IS’ WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON INFRINGEMENT.”
You should be aware that some jurisdictions might not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so some of the above exclusions may not apply to you. You will need to check your local laws for any restrictions or limitations regarding the exclusion of implied warranties. To put it as simply as possible for you: we’re not responsible for anything that happens to you. If you’re browsing around and the site damages you or your computer or infects it with any nasty viruses – you can’t blame us! We don’t want anything bad to happen to you, but if it does, consider yourself warned and don’t call us.
6. Seriously, if you don’t want the world to know something then don’t post it anywhere on the Internet (that includes this website). If you do decide to publish anything on this website then we consider that a gift. You are giving it to us and it’s ours to keep for free forever – Thank you. Because you gave it to us and it’s now ours, that also means we can do anything we want with it including reproducing it as many times as we want, distributing it to whomever we choose, modifying it however we want, reusing it however we want, re-posting it someplace else, transmitting to anyone we want or anything else that we can think of that we didn’t cover here. And since it’s ours, we can even use any of your ideas, concepts, techniques, or know-how any way we want. That includes using it to develop, manufacture, market, and/or sell any products or other stuff arising from the information you published.
7. We try to offer you as much content as possible. That means we might provide links to other (3rd party) websites that we think are cool and offer something that we think you will like. As thorough as we try to be, don’t assume we have looked at any of those websites closely – we haven’t (we just don’t have enough time to do everything we would like to do). And you can forget about us checking those links periodically – we don’t do that either. We want you to be aware of this just in case there is bad stuff on any of those websites or there’s something on one of them that might offend you. You can decide for yourself if you want to click a link or not, but be aware that you are doing so at your own risk. Don’t blame us if anything bad happens because of your actions.
8. Regarding the content on this website. We occasionally read the comments posted by visitors in our blog, look at the postings in our discussion groups or forum, or read the articles posted by contributing authors, but we take no responsibility and/or assume any liability for their content. This includes, but is not limited to, any mistakes, libel, slander, defamation, errors, omissions, falsehoods, pornography, obscenity, hatred, or profanity that your may encounter when you visit this website. Just because we said that, don’t think you can do something that isn’t nice and post or transmit unlawful, threatening, libelous, slanderous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, false, nasty, mean, or profane material on this website. That includes any material that law enforcement may consider a criminal offense, provoke a civil lawsuit, or for that matter violate any law — anywhere, anytime. You should also know that while we respect your privacy, we have no choice but to fully cooperate with any law enforcement authority or court which might ask us who posted bad stuff on our website.
9. We are also allowed to change this page (and anything else on this website) at anytime without letting you know. If we do make changes to this page, then you are bound by those new rules too. If you’re worried about it, then we suggest you visit this page often and re-read it for the latest terms of use or your entertainment.
10. If a problem does arise and legal recourse is the only answer, we will both follow these rules:
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Nevada, without regard to principles of conflict of laws.
To the extent you have in any manner violated or threatened to violate and/or its affiliates’ intellectual property rights, and/or its affiliates may seek injunctive or other appropriate relief in any state or federal court in the State of Nevada, and you consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in such courts.
Any other disputes will be resolved as follows:
If a dispute arises under this agreement, we agree to first try to resolve it with the help of a mutually agreed-upon mediator in the following location: Clark County, Nevada. Any costs and fees other than attorney fees associated with the mediation will be shared equally by each of us.
If it proves impossible to arrive at a mutually satisfactory solution through mediation, we agree to submit the dispute to binding arbitration at the following location: Clark County, Nevada, under the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitration may be entered in any court with jurisdiction to do so.
If all of this sounds mean or foreboding, you should have seen what our lawyers wanted to print!
Bottom line, don’t do anything wrong and we’ll all get along. If you can’t play by these rules then you need to go to another website because we only want nice people here. Thank you for understanding. is owned and operated by iMarket Solutions LLC. Vintage-Charm-Jewelry TM and TM are the trademarks of iMarket Solutions LLC and cannot be used without the written permission from iMarket Solutions LLC.
Last updated: September 27, 2013