If you are drooling over the charms on Susan’s catalog page – you’re in luck (ok bad pun since it’s a good luck charm) here’s one up on eBay right now: see the other auctions this seller has- they are great!
Vintage Charm Jewelry Catalog scans
Many thanks to Susan for this, the first of the pages of her catalog – more to come from her in future, and be sure to check out her eBay auctions. I hope to have Debbies library of catalogs and mine up soon also- stay tuned and if any of you have catalogs PLEASE scan […]
ok eBay- somebody has some ‘splainin’ to do!
No this isn’t the fault of the eBay mavens- but someone will have to explain to me why this charm- solid 14K vintage gold mechanical charm-listed correctly in the vintage charm section made – well go see- click here and this one- gold plated version of the same vintage charm not listed in vintage charm […]
WOW! great gold enamel vintage charm
ok- register everyone!
As you will notice the web god has fixed the sign in and registration problem- my apologies, it was probably something i did that changed who knows what. Everyone jingle positive energy at john in thanks. Now- if you haven’t registered- go for it- if you have -go sign in! and everyone give me opinions […]