When you open a fortune cookie and read the fortune you’re supposed to add ‘in bed’, a fun twist on the superstition. I don’t know who started it or how it became popular but I notice everyone doing it when the cookies/bill arrive. So here is a charm version – good luck and prosperity – […]
Jeweled and Pearl bedecked charms
Jewels and bedazzled charms – I love the pearls, they are so very 1960’s, ladies who lunch.
A reward to whoever can find me 96-E
This is a wonderful selection of the drama and musical charms.
Charms for what you do – or want to be
These are some interesting ones I haven’t seen – I do know the microscope came as a stanhope viewer.
Women’s World of Charm indeed – ouch!
Who exactly decided that a scale represented the flower of womanhood anyway? BAH! Humbug! I do rather love the sink however – I have it in gold and am looking for the silver one – is anyone selling? Not that it makes washing dishes any more pleasant, but it is an amazing mechanical charm, the […]