Let’s talk rings

Face it the sad fact is that your charm bracelets are only as good as the jump rings you use, because without good jump rings you loose the charms. Oh you could pay a jeweler 5.00 and up to solder them on, but what if you add a new charm and there isn’t a good place for it? How can you remove, change or play with the combinations and still feel safe wearing the tiny treasures?
Monet and Tiffany charms come with spring clasps, but those are much larger charms than most of us prefer. I tried using the key chain variety split rings, and they work fairly well, but they really don’t look vintage’ also those little suckers are murder to get on and off!
Awhile ago the charm goddess Joan introduced the charm group to ‘magic jump rings’, but since she stopped selling we have been at a loss.
I have now started using these ‘no solder jump rings’, and I love them! These are sterling that has been hardened by pressure so they don’t pull and stay strong and tight , even if you open and move them. I can’t begin to explain how they work so I have gotten permission to use Sandy Weinstein aka Yogi ‘s directions, which are her own blessedly unconfused version. These will save you so much heartache, charms are just too meaningful to loose. If you want to buy some go to yogiws-A-Genuine-Find on eBay.
or CLICK THIS LINK and go to sellers store. As long as you’re there check out her sister’s store: yoyolz’s World Eccentricity-Charm.

4mm NO-SOLDER MAGIC JUMP RINGS Sterling Silver ~25 pack
Buy It Now $8.25
yogiw’s A Genuine Find

8mm NO-SOLDER MAGIC JUMP RINGS Sterling Silver ~10 pack
Buy It Now $9.25
yogiw’s A Genuine Find

4mm NO-SOLDER MAGIC JUMP RINGS Gold-filled ~ 25 pack
Buy It Now $9.75
yogiw’s A Genuine Find

10mm NO-SOLDER MAGIC JUMP RINGS Sterling Silver ~5 pack
Buy It Now $9.75
yogiw’s A Genuine Find

8mm NO-SOLDER MAGIC JUMP RINGS Gold-filled ~ 10 pack
Buy It Now $12.75
yogiw’s A Genuine Find

10mm NO-SOLDER MAGIC JUMP RINGS Gold-filled ~ 5 pack
Buy It Now $13.00
yogiw’s A Genuine Find

6mm NO-SOLDER MAGIC JUMP RINGS Sterling Silver ~50 pack
Buy It Now $15.00
yogiw’s A Genuine Find

6mm NO-SOLDER MAGIC JUMP RINGS Gold-filled ~ 50 pack

If you prefer oval rings, a different seller has the hardened sterling in ovals To buy write to nattie3ebay@charter.net

The smaller ovals (around 4.4mm x 5.7mmx18ga) are ten (10) for $3.00 + shipping & ins.
or a hundred (100) for $30.00, shipped and insured.

The larger ovals (about 5.4mm x 6.8mmx18ga) are ten (10) for $4.00 + shipping & ins. or a hundred (100) for $40.00, shipped and insured.



  1. ggmsmolly says

    My jeweler does a great job with jump rings. He charges $8 for solder. A friend told me about laser soldering charms which might be cheaper. Anyone familiar with that method?

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