My Brilliant Friend Carol’s Bracelet

combination vintage charm and modern charm sterling bracelet

carol's Veteran bracelet

When Carol came to me to ask if I’d design and make a bracelet for the Veterans’ Club to give to her boss last year, it was so much fun, and so well received that I felt I had to do one even better for her since she was then the President of the Veterans’ Club, and has now moved on to an even larger responsibility post graduation. I must admit I don’t think this will ever be completed – I an constantly finding something wonderful to add, both vintage and new! This may end up the definitive wrist ruffle. Since this picture was taken I have added a marine ‘hooah!’ charm, a double mechanical helicopter, and a ‘Big Bertha’ broken heart. I think a working Pin Fire Gun charm is in order, don’t you? Her Vets gave her a set of dog tags when she graduated, so if anyone knows where i can get some small sterling charms of dog tags I’d be thrilled. Any other ideas welcomed!

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