Debbies Vintage Charm Catalog scans 1950’s page 4&5

Catalog scans continued Debbies pages 2 and 3

More catalog scans- Debbie’s turn

OK i realise no on really cares what I say at all, you only tune in for the copies of vintage charm catalogs – well you’re in luck because Debbie has sent a bunch and I just got a new one with MUSIC BOX CHARMS! 1956, a good year for charms, here’s one of D’s […]

At Last – Catalog scans – Aetna Charm Book 1953 pg 40

Sorry I’ve been out of touch, my husband has been (and is) ill. Here is our Vintage Charm Catalog fix!

more vintage charm catalog pictures

These are interesting, if anyone has the merry go round to sell let me know!