Well the lights were out in Los Angeles yesterday- as well as the phone lines and dsl- the high winds just knocked everything out so no postings for me. My husband loves it when I can’t get online- it means I have time to cook and clean. Anyway here is Susan’s latest page. No one […]
Now this is a great vintage mechanical charm bracelet 30 charms!
This one is a keeper, go see what lavalleyjo has up right now-30 charms, all sterling, with mechanicals movers and other goodies. see it here
Vintage charm catalog scan 3rd installment
Susan is amazing here’s the next page.
HELP- identify this mystery trademark please?
I don’t know this one and a member has asked what company it is- it’s not in Joanne/Joan’s brilliant book ‘Charms and Charm Bracelets’ by Schiffer or any of the charm mark websites I can find- and I’ve had no luck with the patent marks. The closest I can see is the Bell Tradeing Post […]
Another vintage charm jewelry sale site
It really never occured to me to go beyond eBay till Debbie opened my eyes to other sites on the internet that sell charms- how many of you have gone to Ruby Lane recently (I say recently because I’ve been told that in the ‘old’ days – maybe a year ago- it wasn’t so good) […]