The end of the North Carolina 1957 catalog

Here are the last pages of the catalog from North Carolina. Hopefully Susan will send more of hers or Debbie will scan a few. Does anyone have some great finds to show? I resized the pictures in the gallery so they are easier to see. The web god and family are in town today so […]

More Catalog Scans of Vintage Charm Jewelry

Susan has gone missing and I’m almost out of my scans- let’s hope Debbie has stepped in or I’ll actually have to write rather than post (and we all know we don’t want that!). Here are a few more of mine-notice that by 1957 the tail of the monkey on a stick is slightly different […]

A tip off if you are looking for Touch Wood Fumsup Charms

Here is a lovely one from England presently up on eBay click here

WOW! You should see this- what a treat

Go look at this to brighten up your day! CLICK HERE

Vintage is as Vintage does

The more I learn by reading books catalogs and websites, the more I realise how much I have to learn. Charms are the one project I have taken on that promises to entice me forever-everyday there’s something new (old) that I hadn’t known exsisted. I see charms I really thought were modern shown in old […]