Juicy Couture Cork Charm and Modern Cuties

Just as bigger isn’t always better, older doesn’t always mean cuter. There are some spectacular modern charms out there- and while I’m not a Juicy Couture Fanatic (well, not yet) so many of you have fallen in love with the enamel and intricacy and just sheer delightful CUTENESS of them, that I’ve done a link […]

Combination Vintage Charm with New Technology

I think this seller and whoever her supplier is are brilliant! She takes vintage charms and combines them with small detailed computer renderings made into 3D miniatures of books and road maps and all kinds of wild and wonderful printed items. I had her special order a copy of my sister’s first book to go […]

More catalog scans from Debbie

I’ll repost these when I can get clearer scans but they are fun for now – more of the Spencer Gift Books from the 1960’s. Susan- we need you to email and let us know how you do yours!

more catalog scans from Debbie

This is the Spencer Catalog – remember those ‘cheap’ gift ones, where you often got something free when ordering? Isn’t it interesting what is valuable now – like the depression glass that was included in soap boxes and oatmeal and the prizes in cereal from your youth.

New Catalog Scan – just in from Debbie

Here is the first scan from Debbie- a page from the Sweet and Company. I’ll ask her for the date. Looks older- Edwardian perhaps?