Here is a Fums Up Touch Wood Vintage Charm for sale

english ww1 touch wood sterling charm from member in Australia

english ww1 touch wood sterling charm from member in Australia

A member in Australia has this Fums Up Touch Wood Charm she is willing to sell. There are rarely local charms down under so I thought it might save shipping for one of the Australian members to buy it, but if you are willing to pay the shipping she’ll send it anywhere. you can contact me with offers or post them in comments. This sold – let me know if anyone has anything else rare to show or sell!


  1. technically of course this is not a fums up as he has no thumbs, but the term has come to mean this style also, so who am i to argue?

  2. I would like to purchase this charm – is it still available? Would you email me directly please as I can’t for the life of me locate the Contact You form on this site. Tks Anne

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