For any of you interested we are having a charmers lunch at my condo tomorrow – I’ll make the food and provide the wine and space (small though it is, and don’t expect me to clean!)
It’s the first get-together of the southern California area Charmers and we plan to eat, drink, get to know each other, and then trade, buy, and sell our little hearts out.
I will have all the vintage catalogs out to go over with magnifying glasses, Everyone is encouraged to bring whatever you want to brag about, sell or trade, and a list of things you are looking for. I’ll put pictures up here next week.
Although we will focus on vintage charm and vintage charm jewelry we will also be doing research into Judith Jack, Aaron Basha, Pandora, Biagi, and Disney charms both new and old to go with the vintage Walter Lampl, Fums Ups, Touch Woods, etc.
The next one will be at PeggyAnn’s house because she has LOTS more room and has trouble getting out.