14K Vintage Charm Bracelet at 1750.00

ebay Item number: 250079883798
If you look at the amount of gold and workmanship- this was a deal.


  1. That’s a lovely bracelet, although I have to admit I wouldn’t have paid that price for it. My ideal of a gold charm bracelet is rose gold Victorian.

    It is amazing though how ebay prices vary for charms. I often see a charm being sold for three or four times what other sellers get, although both charms are equally authentic.

  2. oh- in case anyone thinks this was MY deal on eBay -while i’d love to have any of the vintage charms on this i don’t have that kind if cash to gaily toss about- drat it! where is the lotto win when you want it?

    i do love rose gold- but mechanicals in any color or metal are my passion.

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